Procedure of Trademark RegistrationProcedure of Trademark Registration 1. Check if the trademark still be available 2. Prepare documents and application forms. 3. Application forms signed by applicant and then submit the application 4. Formality check 5. Notice of first approval by SAIC 6. Substantive review [ around 4-6 months from the Step 2 ] 7. Formality approve and publish the trademark [ around 6 months from the Step 2 ] 8. Approve the whole registration [ around 3 months from the Step 6 ] 9. Obtain the approval certificate [ around 2 months from the Step 7 ] Timing: Approx. 15-18 months If you have more questions about the procedure and costs, please feel free to contact us. marketing@gomaxgroup.com or You can book the 30-minute Free consultation call from https://calendly.com/julieyu-gomax/ |