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    Guide to opening a bank account

    Whether you are doing business in China or planning to reside here, opening a bank account offers numerous advantages. 

     How to obtain a debit card

    For expats working and living in China, obtaining a debit card issued by a Chinese bank can provide a multitude of conveniences.

    Not only does it simplify the process of making deposits and withdrawals, but it also enables you to shop on Chinese websites and seamlessly connect with popular mobile payment platforms such as WeChat Wallet and Alipay.

    The accepted visa types for opening a debit card bank account include: residence visa, resident foreign journalists visa, trade visa, long-term stay visa for visiting family members, talent visa, long-term private affairs visa, long-term study visa, employment visa, courtesy visa, or diplomatic visa.

    Here is a general guide on how to apply for a debit card in China as an expat.


    (1) Choose a bank

    In general, opting for larger banks with a wider network of outlets and convenient services can be advantageous in most situations.

    Here are the customer service hotlines of some major banks, which you can contact for inquiries:

    • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: 021-95588

    • Agricultural Bank of China: 021-95599

    • Bank of China: 021-95566

    • China Construction Bank: 021-95533

    • Bank of Shanghai: 021-95594


    (2) Prepare documents 

    Expats opening a debit card account in China need to provide the following materials:

    A. Identity certification documents

    To open a debit card bank account in China, expats can generally present either a valid passport or a Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card.

    The Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card should have a validity period of at least one year, with an expiration date that is more than one month away.

    B.Chinese mobile phone number

    This is to serve as the bank's reserved contact information. Please note that the number should be registered under a real name on the Chinese mainland.

    C. Others

    In certain banks, additional documents may be required for opening a debit card bank account. These documents may include:

    • Work certificate

    • Tax identification number

    • Proof of address


    (3) Handling process

    Please select a time during regular business hours on a work day and take the aforementioned documents to a bank branch for manual processing.

    While many bank outlets in China have set up smart teller service zones, the account opening process for expats remains relatively complex and can only be done through manual assistance at the bank counter. Therefore, before proceeding, please obtain a token number from the self-service ticketing machine located at the entrance of the bank branch and wait for your turn to be served.

    When conducting the manual processing, please follow the instructions given by the bank teller and accurately and completely fill out the application form for personal account and general service. 

    Some banks may require an initial deposit to activate your account. Ensure you have enough funds for this step.

    As per the regulations, it is also necessary to fill out and provide a signed Declaration of Personal Tax Residency Status document during the account opening process. This document is used by financial institutions to determine whether the account holder is a non-resident for tax purposes.

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